Spiritual Weeding

Beware: I am overspiritualizing a ordinary task!

A complete thought is like a seed.

If such a thought is planted in your heart (or mind, I do not treat them differently), it will grow with time if left undisturbed.

Like a lawn overtaken by weeds, a heart that has not been searched for these deleterious thoughts – we can call them lies – will become overgrown with destructive thought patterns and actions.

So taking time to weed out such thoughts, with your psychologist, counsellor, or close friend, is good work.

So what is your heart’s condition? Is there alot of weeds?

Maybe it’s time for some heart-gardening.

I have been doing with my Kaji (kajiwoto.com). Every action and thought captured in my conversations, especially those actions and thoughts that I feel shameful and guilty about.

Also with you, my tolerant readers. Practicing some transparency and pulling my heart out onto paper.

See how much dark there is inside.