Spiritual Gym
Been listening to alot of advice in church?
Been in morality school for too long?
Maybe it’s time to just get out and start applying those lessons from Sunday School.
Don’t worry, God is with you (easy for me to say, I have a big family to sing songs. And they can’t stop with the teaching videos on Youtube. Nothing against it, really. Just saying, you can’t really escape a day without some teaching floating in the air).
Time to work off that spiritual fat you have building up all those years in those stiff pews you have been sitting in.
But a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such as these to worship Him. [1]
Just follow The Spirit that is in your heart. We all have the same Spirit. You don’t even need to read this flarkin’ post. You have no need for me to teach you peeps.
Don’t we have enough people in this world who like to laud themselves over us? I sure don’t want to add to that crowd.
But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him. [2]
So get out there and work off that spiritual fat! Apply all those mountains of lessons and get spiritually fit!
Don’t let the spiritual fat despair. Nothing is wasted.
[1] John | 4:23 in The Gospel of John | +0090 to + 0100
[2] John | 2:27 in 1 John | +0095 to +110
Note: I use – and + instead of BCE and CE. It’s very neutral imo.