📊 No Data > 🔨 No Judge

Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. (KJV)


In survival, we compare. Treat it like a vicious game of who is best.

When we compare ourselves with another person without data – whether it be their expression of their perceived experience, or the direct observation from their lives – we judge in the dark. We end up judging – or analysing – based on the externals.

When it comes to people, it is particularly difficult. For we cannot easily see into the hearts of people, like God does. We can only see their physical appearance.

We hope to deduce, to an extent, the shape of their hearts by their actions, while keeping in mind that action can be mimicked for some time. With enough time and careful observation, perhaps the actions masquerade will fall. To what length of time this would depend on … I don’t know what.

We cannot judge rightly without enough data.

And even with enough data, we have to consider whether we have the same problems. Whether we have the beam, and they have the yoke.

It is better to just hope that they have fun in the moment of judgement. Praying that they might have fun in this god-forsaken world.

In the end we may find that the seed of comparison need not be planted in our hearts in the first place. Let it be dug out before it can sprout like a weed.

In thriving, we focus only on our actions. Flowing from The Standard.


After sitting on this post for many days, I realised that perhaps the best thing is to not judge in the first place (with ya there, Andrew Klavan, from a video long ago that I can’t remember).

Then I won’t get into the tangle of thoughts as you can see above.

Save time when you don’t judge people. Time is the most precious resource we all have.

BUT we can compare our methods and hows so that we might improve them.

Rant over from just another madman on The Web.