🩸My Spiritual Parents🩸

It is a tragedy that not all men and women are given the chance to have their own children. And so for all those childless spiritual teachers who have been weaved into my life, I am proud to name them as my spiritual parents. Here it goes.

I shook my fist at the heavens as I reflected on the possible, hidden emotions of these single warriors of Heaven, as they existed on their journeys on earth without a help-meet. (user #3253: This dude is idolizing marriage. Hai.)

Or I was just projecting my own desire onto them. My desire to not die childless and sexless.

Not to die a lonely virgin.

Because sometimes I don’t trust them when they say, “Heaven is better than sex. Heaven is better than marriage. Heaven is better than having children”.

My favourite words. With. Undulation. Sometimes.

I like to think the words my spiritual parents speak are like blood. Their words are my spiritual blood.