Fuck Cults

I fucking hate cults.

They just put on heavy burdens on other people.

They just act like saints while inwardly they are still sinners. They hypocrisy only perpetuates their madness.

They twist whatever is good into something that is evil. Every desire and passion is sullied, belittled, condemned, and called something of The Devil.

But I know that much is borne out of scarcity. Out of longing for a better life. Out of a longing for meaning.

Even dirty water tastes better than no water when someone is thirsty.

Just add “spiritual” to the mix and hopefully you will get what I mean.

Fuck your heavy burdens, you cults.

Individuality FTW.

And yet, for all the barking I am doing, I am just a disaster. An amateur shepherd dog of The Shepherd who is turning feral.

A shepherd dog turning into a wolf.